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Creative Thinking Saves the Day!

Published and last updated 26

The process of creative thinking involves empathy, collaboration, and experimentation, guided by a step-by-step approach like modified Design Thinking, as highlighted by Simplilearn, TED Talks speakers Tony Fadell and Giovanni Corazza stress the importance of breaking habitual thinking patterns and embracing creativity to solve problems effectively and improve relationships.

Easy is not always easy.

Have you ever experienced being assigned to an easy task, but you find it difficult to accomplish? I have certainly faced such challenges. Despite investing significant time and effort, I sometimes find tasks daunting. There are also times when I can say I'm not good at this. Interestingly, there are numerous tips to cultivate creative thinking that will help us daily. So, let's explore them.

There are Three Basic Concepts and Principles of Creative Thinking according to Simplilearn and these are:

  1. Empathy - An empathic designer knows that it is not fair to think that other designers have the same experiences as them. These designers are aware of the biases they bring to the table and aim to use a newcomer approach to lessen the influence of such biases.
  2. Collaborative - Designers must work together to implement design thinking, as each person brings a variety of expertise and experience to the process.
  3. Experimentation - When creative thinking is applied effectively, it understands that not all essential aspects may be instantly evaluated or quantitatively modeled. Physical prototyping is a helpful technique to assess a design's quality.

The step-by-step approach of modified Design Thinking serves as a clear roadmap, outlining what you're doing and why. The techniques and actions are concrete, practical steps that guide you to effectively accomplish your tasks.

Step 1: Describe the problem from a human perspective.

Step 2: Provide solutions with a human approach.

Step 3: Think out of the box.

Step 4: To pick up new knowledge quickly as well as find workable prototype solutions.

Step 5: Test solutions on real users or clients to get new insights into the issue and the workaround.

Tony Fadell, from TED Talks, suggests that habituation can sometimes hinder our creativity. For instance, repeatedly arguing with your partner over the same issue can become a habitual behavior. You might recognize that your actions upset your partner, yet you persist in these actions over and over. This habituation might become normalized for your partner, but it never truly resolves the problem for either of you and could potentially lead to trauma in a worst-case scenario. In this context, habituation disregards the subtleties of your partner's emotions and feelings. As a designer we should always pay attention to every small detail, consider tips from the seniors, and always have an open heart in everything you do. A coworker once told me that it's not just about completing assigned tasks, but also being open to creative ideas, offering innovative suggestions, and remaining eager to learn new things in my profession to benefit the company.  

Giovanni Corazza, a speaker from TEDx Talks, stated, "To think creatively or to go out of the box is not a luxury; it's a necessity for us and for our dignity as human beings." He suggests that suppressing our original ideas would always be met with resistance. He also remarked, "if the environment punishes mistakes, you will never be really tempted to go out of the box." Even ideas that seem irrelevant should be considered, as they may lead to the generation of new ideas.

In conclusion, have faith in yourself, open your heart, and let your creativity flow!


#creative designing #webteractive #branding


Marielle Joy Pagaran

Marielle Joy Pagaran

Graphics / Creative

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