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Laravel Reverb Released

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Laravel Reverb, the latest addition to Laravel's suite of real-time application development tools, offers a seamless WebSocket server solution tailored for Laravel applications. With optimized speed, effortless integration with Laravel's broadcasting capabilities, and built-in support for horizontal scaling using Redis, Reverb enables developers to enhance real-time functionality without compromising performance.

The Great Filter with AppScript

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The speaker initially considered presenting on the Great Filter theory but merged it with a technical topic involving AppScript to create a more substantial presentation. They later regretted not sticking with the AppScript topic, but the Great Filter theory sparked thought-provoking discussions about humanity's existence in the universe among their colleagues.

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Laravel Reverb Released

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Laravel Reverb, the latest addition to Laravel's suite of real-time application development tools, offers a seamless WebSocket server solution tailored for Laravel applications. With optimized speed, effortless integration with Laravel's broadcasting capabilities, and built-in support for horizontal scaling using Redis, Reverb enables developers to enhance real-time functionality without compromising performance.