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  • / Doing Things that Don’t Scale

Doing Things that Don’t Scale

Published and last updated 63

Starting up is just the beginning of your journey to success. Your next goal is to be relevant in the industry forever. You need to make the right moves to materialize your idea. Build a simple product from then scale it. It’s a painful journey.


Many would-be entrepreneurs think that businesses either succeed or fail. If you create something, make it available, and if your mousetrap is superior to your competition, as promised, people will throng to your door. Alternatively, if they don't, the market can't possibly exist.

Why do things that don’t scale work?

Startups actually succeed because their founders force them to. There could be a few that just blossomed on their own, but most of them need some kind of push to get going. The cranks that car engines used to have before they had electric starters would make a nice metaphor. The engine required a separate and time-consuming procedure to start, but once it was running, it would continue to do so.

Why do you need to focus on your product first before anything else?

I know I know! It ain’t easy to do this because you need to work and you don’t have the money and time for this. You wanna dream big? Start from small things. Until you are equipped enough to build your product. What does this mean? Learn from the industry that you are working with. Their success is a testament that you still have a shot. They will give a lot of contributions to your ideas. I’ve been working for Webteractive for at least 5 years or maybe 5 years? I can’t recall.  

As an aspiring startup solo founder. I started working in the software development industry for over a decade. My first priority was seeking wisdom,  discipline, diligence and always being hungry for new technology. The idea is to create a community where users can buy / sell, trade and bid using a progressive web application.

My first version was an undesirable page just to keep the dice rolling. It doesn’t need the entire thing yet! Establish a presence first! My up to date in “establishing a presence” is creating a landing page, about page, mini social network, games and an information page on how my marketplace works lastly basic SEO. After creating the pages I used my personal page to share my business page. The result, 100 followers up to date with minimum effort and 5 signups. This probably means my idea is valid. That’s a good start! Let’s keep enhancing our mouse traps!


Starting up is just the beginning of your journey to success. Your next goal is to be relevant in the industry forever. You need to make the right moves to materialize your idea. Build a simple product from then scale it. It’s a painful journey. Doing things that don’t scale is a painful process for some. For those who believe in their idea don’t hold back. When you feel you are alone. God is with you. Have faith.

Mathew 6:24 - No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Just an advice. Serve God! He will give you the funding and the will to keep your dream business going.


#start-up business


Jose Lo Jr.

Jose Lo Jr.

Senior Full-Stack

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